
Hormones are wild little things that exist deep inside our bodies. I am not quite sure how they work or where exactly they hide but I fancy that they spend most of their time swimming around in our bloodstreams, looking for work to do and mischief to get into. They originate in certain body organs … [Continue reading ]

Cabinets, Cupboards and Closets

For the life of me, I do not know the difference between a closet and a cupboard. Nor between either of those and a cabinet. I do know, because I have been told by someone very knowledgeable about these things, that our house has many examples of each. Every room in our house, except for … [Continue reading ]


I have been an ardent lover of railroads since I was a kid in knee pants, although I am not sure that I ever was in knee pants, whatever they are. Of course, then railroads were powered by steam and made an ear-splitting racket and gave off rich viscous, noxious fumes that cloud the brain, … [Continue reading ]

Back Yards

Backyards are phenomena that exist on the properties of many homes. Often they make up much of the land that is not occupied by the house itself. A new homeowner, upon taking possession of his newly acquired acreage may well gaze upon his back yard, inflate his chest to the greatest size to which its … [Continue reading ]


An Essay by Gil French A toilet is a porcelain convenience about which people rarely talk openly. Credit for its invention is often give to Thomas Crapper, about whose name I promise to exercise Herculean restraint, but it was actually invented nearly four hundred years before he was born. I mention his name only because … [Continue reading ]


An Essay by Gil French Before paper was a common commodity, people did not wrap their grocery products in much of anything. After all, what was there to wrap in? Leaves, bark, animal skins? They often had their least favorite, most troublesome, child carry the disgusting item, smelly prehistoric fish, a boar’s head or some … [Continue reading ]


The animal kingdom is a fertile source of personal passions. Take my case, for example, I love dogs, big clumsy lumbering dogs. Not the dinky little pipsqueaks that yap and nip at your heels and make life annoying for everyone but their owners. Listen, I feel that if someone wants a cockroach for a pet … [Continue reading ]

A Defense of Ignorance

When you use Google services, you trust us with your information. This Privacy Policy is meant to help you understand what data we collect, why we collect it, and what we do with it. This is important; we hope you will take time to read it carefully. And remember, you can find controls to manage … [Continue reading ]


Humans can be a very energetic species. I often look with envy on some of my fellows who can go on and on without seeming to tire and do so with boundless enthusiasm. Unfortunately I am not so favorably endowed. I tire rather quickly. And so, I suppose, does everyone although perhaps not so quickly … [Continue reading ]